I found this both helpful and amusing. I especially love that the advice a "straight up medical doctor" gives is to go love more and be joyful. I know and practice that the only real way to balance out hate and fear is to love more, but sometimes it's hard. Why do I get to be joyful when there's so much suffering? kind of a thing, and it's so supportive to hear it from someone else, that yes, in fact, being and brining the light is doing really good work in the world, even (as you say) if we don't know who we're helping in the process. I think that's the kicker, that practicing love takes faith. Faith that it's working even when we can't see the results.

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Thank you, Jocelyn. I’m glad this piece (and Bob’s excellent advice) landed for you. I truly appreciate your feedback.

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Ooppfffhhhh what an ordeal! Bob sounds the wisest. We all need a Bob. Interesting what he says about the digital world, I fully agree.

Also - you write so engagingly!

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Thank you very much, Camilla. I’ve been thinking about Bob’s advice these days. Seems very fitting. I’m so glad you enjoyed / found value in this piece.

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